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Our Holistic Services

In response to the growing need for stress management and detoxification the holistic treatment options listed below including quantum bio-scanning using biofeedback, cold laser (light therapy), biomat (far red light waves), ionic footbaths and digital resonators are available. We also provide nutritional advisement and supplements including oral and topical CBD, alternate topical pain relief options, body support products such as orthotics and Incrediwear garments (fabric infused with carbon and germanium to relieve inflammation and increase circulation), practitioner referrals, and Aerus activepure air purification systems. A Longevity ozone steam sauna is the newest addition to our available modalities for health and healing, and we are working toward offering hippotherapy (use of the movement of horses to help patients reach their therapy goals).

Quantum Bio Scanning

Bio-Scanning is total body frequency analysis and adjustment using a magnetic headset attached to a scanner which allows your energetic frequencies to be mapped on a simulated model of a human on a computer screen. This method is painless, has no radiation or side effects and requires no preparation, no contrast dye or entering an enclosed space. It determines the overall condition of your body’s energetic frequencies. It identifies pathogens (bacteria, virus, parasites, etc.) and toxins that are present in your body as well as frequencies that correlate directly with all stages of diseases starting with the earliest phase. Frequency imbalance correlates directly with weakness, illness, chronic disease or the predisposition to develop health conditions. The energy of detected pathogens can be reversed, which is called inversion. Balancing frequencies can be delivered to the body’s organs and systems to strengthen the body which is called metatherapy. Custom homeopathic remedies can be produced and allergies determined. Nutritional support may be recommended based on scan results. After the initial visit, remote treatment can be done using a DNA sample and your photograph. This is possible because your DNA is unique to you and serves as a fractile antennae.  


Quantum bioscan in progress in the Miracle of Health facility

Frequency Resonators

Frequency resonators (also known as rife machines) were invented in the 1920’s by Royal Raymond Rife. They deliver low electromagnetic waves (like radio waves) through the hands by holding bars connecting to the machine or through the skin by placing a connected matt on the body. The blood vessels carry the frequency throughout the body. The suggestion is that all medical conditions have an electromagnetic frequency, and that this machine will deliver pulses at the appropriate frequency to disable diseased cells. Digital rife machines using bars or matts to deliver frequency are lightweight, portable and easy to use by choosing from thousands of pre-programmed frequency sets for management of diagnoses and pathogens including lyme disease and cancer. The original Royal Rife machine delivers frequency using a plasma bulb connected to a frequency generator and is non-portable. This table top model can emit frequency for up to 10 feet. We offer education about how to use digital and tabletop frequency resonators and rent portable digital units. We also have a tabletop model that can be used by donation once instruction is issued. It is not yet legal to use frequency resonators as part of a plan of care or claim to treat using them despite their FDA approval for distribution. Therefore; you must operate the machine independently if you wish to use a frequency resonator. 

Ionic Foot Bath

This method of detoxification uses negative ion generation to pull toxins out of your body through your feet. Advertised as a safe and relaxing way to cleanse the body, the Ioncleanse infuses the water with negative ions. This process is said to give the hydrogen in the water a positive charge. The positive charge is said to attract the negatively charged toxins in your body. This causes the ions to bond with heavy metals, chemicals and toxins in your body and pull them out through the bottom of your feet  painlessly. The results can range from mood elevation and the body feeling lighter to a decrease in chronic fluid retention, joint pain, skin disorders, etc. 


Ionic foot bath in progress in the Miracle of Health facility

Craniosacral Therapy/Neurofascial Release

A gentle hands-on technique that uses a light touch to examine connective tissue (fascia) and the movement of the fluid in and around the central nervous system (cerebrospinal fluid). Balancing the movement and pressure gradients of the cerebrospinal fluid around the central nervous system positively effects the whole body. It promotes a feeling of well-being and improves health by normalizing muscle tone, correcting posture, improving the circulation of blood, lymph, and cerebrospinal fluid, releasing toxins, decreasing stress, improving breathing and boosting health and immunity.

Patient receiving craniosacral therapy at Miracle of Health facility

Ozone Steam Sauna

Sauna’s are proven to increase longevity by strengthening the heart and lungs and detoxifying the body. Extensive research studies support that properly applied ozone increases oxygen utilization at the cellular level, is anti-inflammatory and anti-aging, aids the immune system by increasing cytokine function and stimulating antioxidant enzymes, increases nitric oxide production, protects the heart by increasing hemoxygenase-1 (HO-1) and detoxifies the body. Ozone is generally toxic to all microbes including bacteria, fungi and viruses. Studies indicate it increases the efficacy of antibiotics and medications including chemotherapy and decreases the side effects of those treatments. The combination of the sauna and ozone creates a powerful detoxification system. It safely and effectively improves your health and longevity, makes you feel better with no known side effects and increases athletic performance. 

Therapist setting up a patient in the ozone steam sauna at the Miracle of Health facility


A mat you rest and regenerate on filled with natural amethyst crystals that produce far infrared rays which contain negative ions that deeply penetrate the body to promote our natural state of health and balance.  The biomat is a US FDA approved medical device. It is used to treat arthritis/muscle and joint pain, muscle spasms, minor sprains or strains, back pain, stress, fatigue, and many other conditions. It supports the immune system, increases circulation, reduces inflammation, improves sleep and promotes detoxification and relaxation by the application of heat. Amethyst crystals offer the most consistent and powerful delivery of ionic effects to the body possible via far infrared light waves.  

Amethyst crystal used for biomat treatment at the

Cold Laser

Light therapy of different wavelengths selected to target individual conditions is delivered to the cells on a metabolic level. The body converts that light energy to healing potential. Some of the most common conditions improved by the use of cold laser are muscle and joint pain, inflammation (ex. lymphedema), infections, skin conditions (for example, scars, rashes, eczema, bruising and wrinkles), osteoarthritis and spinal stenosis. There are hundreds of settings on the laser for treating medical conditions and for prevention via strengthening the body’s organ systems.

Patient receiving cold laser treatment on  the back of the neck at the Miracle of Health facility
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"We are spiritual beings, in physical bodies,
electrically charged and emotionally controlled."

Robert O. Becker, M.D.

from The Body Electric:Electromagnetism and the Foundation of Life

"Gail combines extensive knowledge with sensitivity, which makes her a gifted healer. Her understanding of the human body, expertise in numerous modalities and techniques, and genuine compassion for her clients, set her above the norm. I have known her as a friend for many years and have had the good fortune to also experience her as her patient. As I am also a physical therapist and Feldenkrais practitioner, I appreciate her work even more so, and am in awe of her abilities. You will be so happy to work with her and see the positive results of your improvement."

Frania Zins mspt;cfp

Feldenkrais Healing and Movement Arts, Hudson, NY

"Gail understands physical life on an intuitive and penetrating level. When she puts her hands on you, you feel healed. You can trust her. I've learned a great deal about myself and my body from her."

Linda Lee

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