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Two male patients seated in the Miracle of Health facility

Physical Therapy Relieves Pain, Improves Circulation and Enhances Joint and Muscle Function

Manual physical therapy is the use of hands-on techniques to relieve pain, increase circulation and healing rate, improve the function of joints and muscles and increase overall body health. Treatments including cold application, moist heat, electrical stimulation and ultrasound may be used along with manual therapy techniques if needed. Therapeutic exercise and stretching instruction are also recommended and are an essential part of a  P.T. program. Though we offer and recommend manual therapy, it is not a requirement to attend physical therapy here.


Some of Our Manual Therapies


Soft Tissue and Joint Mobilization

Careful specific movements of joints and muscles. May include therapeutic massage and /or assistive instruments.


Pfrimmer Deep Muscle Therapy

Cross fiber massage with pressure in both directions followed by joint movement. Developed for the treatment of multiple sclerosis, neurological diseases such as Bell's palsy and crippling conditions.


Manual Lymph drainage

Lymphatic massage for swelling with education on exercises and other ways to manage fluid build-up.



Pressure applied to "trigger points" or areas of concentrated tension in muscle along the body's energetic pathways.


Positional Release

A combination of gentle touch and movement of the body into positions which allow 

muscle tension to release.


Muscle Energy Technique

Use of assisted positioning and muscle contraction to properly align bones and joints.


Cranio Sacral Therapy/Neuro-fascial Release

Use of the rhythm and movement of the cranio sacral fluid which surrounds the brain and spinal cord to detect imbalances in the body and encourage healing to the patient's highest potential.


Cupping Therapy

One of the oldest and most effective methods of releasing the toxins from body tissue and organs.


Applied Kinesiology

A system used to rebalance or realign muscles and joints.


Specific Stretches for Alignment

Specific stretches assisted with gentle pressure for the correction of skeletal misalignment.


Stretching Instruction

Education in proper stretching for single muscles or combined muscle groups to correct muscle tightness or shortening.


Therapeutic Exercise

Exercise instruction to correct muscle weakness or imbalance. 


Total Motion Release (TMR)

Realigning the imbalances located within the musculoskeletal system by addressing the movement patterns of the entire body, TMR is able to provide long-lasting pain relief and body balance followed by increased strength.


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"In 2005 I suffered a serious leg injury leaving me with one leg slightly shorter than the other. Because of this, other issues developed over time effecting my body alignment, [causing] weight bearing issues, and increasing pain.

Walking through the doors of Miracle of Health, over 10 years ago, truly was a miracle. Gail has brought me into better body alignment, increased flexibility and less pain. Like regular exercise, Gail Shafer and Miracle of Health are an integral part of taking care of myself as I age."

Peter Bevacqua

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